Photo by Ben Calvert
Carolina Madtom | Noturus furiosus
Status: IUCN: Near Threatened; USFWS: Endangered (2021)
Threats: Agricultural practices, impoundments, invasive species, and sedimentation (What do these terms mean?)
Native Range: On Piedmont and Coastal Plain in Tar and Neuse River drainage in NC
Spawning Habitat Preferences: Late spring to summer spawners in medium-sized streams with moderate flow; they lay clutches of eggs under any available cover objects such as pieces of wood or mussel shells
CFI Status: Propagated at CFI from 2018-Present to develop propagation protocols, restoration, and holding an assurance colony. (What do these terms mean?)
In Partnership With: Marion Fish Hatchery in North Carolina; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission; USFWS (Raleigh, NC)